This year, the vibrant and joyous festival of Garba will be brought to life by the renowned singer Jignesh Kaviraj at the much-anticipated “Maa Navratri” event. Hosted by Maa Event Management and Taksh Digital, the Garba festivities will take place at Jay Maadi Farm, Bhadaj, Ahmedabad, from October 3rd to October 11. In this context, Jaydeep Singh Gohil, Founder of Maa Event Management, members of Taksh Digital and singer Jignesh Kaviraj, provided details about the “Maa Navratri” garba festival at a press event held at Raj Thal in Bopal, Ahmedabad.
Organized by Maa Event Management and Taksh Digital, this year’s event promises to be a spectacular celebration of tradition and culture. With a surge of enthusiasm among Garba lovers, the festival will see a remarkable turnout, with an expected footfall of around 150,000 attendees over the nine days.
In addition to the exhilarating Garba performances, attendees can savor a variety of culinary delights at approximately 12 food stalls set up around the venue. This event not only celebrates our cultural heritage but also offers a chance for people to come together, forget their worries, and immerse themselves in the joyous beats of Garba.
Mr. Jaydeep Gohil, Founder of Maa Event Management and the esteemed members of Taksh Digital said, “We are thrilled to present this grand celebration and invite everyone to join us for nine nights of joy and devotion. This is a time to connect with our traditions, celebrate with family and friends, and embrace the spirit of Navratri.”
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