The Gujarati film “Karkhanu,” produced by Market Bros, has officially been selected for the 55th International Goa Film Festival, organized by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. This is a significant achievement, as it marks the first time in nearly three years that a Gujarati film has been chosen for this prestigious festival. As a Gujarati, this is a matter of pride.
“Karkhanu,” a smart horror-comedy, was directed by Rushabh Thanki. The story was penned by Parth Madhukrushna, Rushabh Thanki, and Poojan Parikh. The film features seasoned actors such as Archan Trivedi, Makrand Shukla, Raju Barot, and Kajal Oza Vaidhya, alongside emerging talents like Parth Madhukrishna, Harshdeep Singh Jadeja, Hardik Shastri, and Dadhichi Thakkar.
This film incorporates local folklore from Saurashtra and employs new technology with a Hollywood-level production quality. The dialogues in the local dialect add an engaging element to the narrative. The story revolves around a village where three workers go to a factory at night, leading to intriguing events when rumors of a ghost emerge.
We hope audiences enjoy this unique blend of humor and suspense!
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