Gujarat: Following the announcement of the release date for Kaashi Raaghav, the highly anticipated film’s teaser has now been launched. After the release of the official poster with the date announcement, excitement around the film has been rapidly growing. With the teaser now out, the audience is eagerly awaiting its release. Produced under the banner of Dhanpal Films and produced by Dhanpal Shah, Kaashi Raaghav is set for release in January 2025. The film stars Deeksha Joshi and Jayesh More in lead roles, with the story and direction by Dhruv Goswami.
The film’s tagline, ” કરમ જ ઉગારે ને કરમ જ ડુબાડે, કરમ જેનો કાઠલો ઝાલે, પછી કોઈ નો આવે એની વારે”-,” gives a deep insight into its theme, focusing on karma, the complexity of relationships, and the emotional depth of human connections. The teaser reveals that this is a cinematic film in which Deeksha will be seen in a completely different role as a “prostitute.” This is perhaps the first time such a character has been shown in a Gujarati film. Kaashi (Deeksha Joshi) is searching for her missing daughter, and what happens next will only be known after watching the film. Kaashi Raaghav is set to rival even Hindi films in terms of quality and storytelling. Alongside Deeksha Joshi and Jayesh More, the film also stars Shruhad Goswami and child artist Pihushree Gadhvi in significant roles. Talented actors including Bharat Thakkar, Kalpana Gagdekar, Sourabh Sarshwat, Preeti Das, Vishal Thakkar, Devansh Patel, Jigar Bagriya, Hiral Dangar, and Gaurang JD will also feature prominently in the film.
The film is set in various locations, including Kashi Vishwanath Temple in Varanasi, Kolkata, and Gujarat, adding to its rich cultural backdrop. Notably, Kaashi Raaghav will feature a unique blend of Gujarati and Bengali languages, a rare fusion in regional cinema.
Co-written by Jatin Pandya, Janhvi Chopra, and Dhruv Goswami, the film’s music has been composed by Vatsal and Kavan, with cinematography by Pratik Parmar. Additionally, in this film, the audience will also have the opportunity to hear the voice of a renowned Bollywood singer, marking his debut collaboration with Gujarati cinema.
The buzz around Kaashi Raaghav is growing as it explores an extraordinary subject, which is being introduced for the first time in Gujarati films. With stunning performances from Deeksha Joshi and Jayesh More, this film promises to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression.
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